Students Care, is a scientifically designed holistic Health Screening program focusing on the physical, mental and psychological health of school children curated by HELYXON. The program enables School Management to acquire a detailed overview of the Health status of their students, identify core issues and plan necessary interventions to improve the overall health of the students. Through EPICare students are registered to the school’s Health network with access to medical care.

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  • ○ Students Registration:

    Emphases on detailed analysis of student health, identification of core issues and necessary interventions.

  • ○ Telediagnosis:

    Physicians or specialists can be virtually consulted for improved care coordination from schools.

  • ○ Health Centers:

    Tie up with nearby hospitals, training to the school staff and nurse to oversee emergency responsiveness.

  • ○ Remote Vital Monitoring:

    OXY-2 units are provided to track the vitals of children to assess their physiological condition during an injury or illness and remotely provide care providers with a precise statistic.

  • ○ Health Programs:

    Assess, identify and design individualized education programs for mental health issues, Relieving exam pressure, de-addiction programs, etc.


March 18, 2021

Students Care is a wonderful program to manage medical care for children from schools. This will reduce anxiety and burden on working parents to miss work and cater to their child’s medical needs whereas he/she can now receive the best care from their schools. Such programs can keep a tab of children’s health and promote meaningful engagements